Weather Risk is
- Missed Revenue Targets
- High Material Costs
- Delayed Shipments
- Reduced Demand
- Labor Shortages
Weather Risk is Financial Risk
Manage it with confidence
We make it simple to manage complex weather risks.
Gain your edge with BottomLineWeather.
Our software solutions help you discover, track, and manage complex weather risks. Our platform uses innovative data science tools, artificial intelligence, and state-of-the-art risk modeling to protect your BottomLine.
Our insights empower risk managers, CFOs, and operations teams to discover and implement impactful risk management strategies. Our tools make financial outcomes more predictable, reveal hidden opportunities, and enable competitive long-term planning.
Industries Served
The Platform to Manage Weather Risk
Intuitive Tools Built on a Powerful Risk Engine:
Using an innovative geospatial indexing system, our platform warehouses and integrates many types of data for efficient analysis including:
weather (temperature, precipitation)
environmental (streamflow)
remotely sensed (landcover, biomass)
economic (commodity and freight prices)
Risk can affect your business at many points: in your supply chain, at a physical asset location, or across a service area.
BottomLineWeather uses AI-powered modeling tools to tie environmental and economic data to your financial and operational reality.
The platform’s underlying risk architecture leverages information about a broad range of business assets including physical property at point locations, key suppliers, and freight networks across relevant geographical areas.
Quantify your risk exposure not only at the asset level but across entire portfolios.
Our platform leverages historic data and advanced simulation methods to generate insights about the interactions between risks across geography and time.
These insights enable more optimal risk management decisions for your entire business.
Our Tools
Understand your risk today
riskExplore and riskConnect
Discover the precise drivers of risk at the asset or portfolio level.
Use riskExplore to investigate the environmental and economic data that is related to your business operation.
Our riskConnect tool uses advanced statistical modeling and AI techniques to identify which weather and environmental conditions are the main drivers of your financial risk.
Forecast your risk tomorrow
riskTrack and riskCast
Capture real-time information about your weather exposure to inform your operations and financial decision making. With riskTrack, your data and risk models are updated as the weather and your business changes helping you to keep tabs on your exposure.
The riskCast tool pairs weather and climate forecasts with your custom risk model to extract financial forecasts, giving you visibility into your financial future so you can react before your competition.
Optimize your risk management
riskManage and riskPrice
Build and evaluate financial and operational strategies to mitigate your risk with riskManage. Our decision support tools use state-of-the art simulation techniques to analyze the performance of your existing management strategies.
The platform also supports the evaluation of new and innovative strategies, including designing and testing parametric insurance products (riskPrice) and supporting the execution of those contracts in the market.
We would love to hear from you.
Please enter your information or send us an email to schedule a demo and learn more about the BottomLineWeather platform and Lotic Labs.